WHILE celebrating the 30th anniversary of the nudist beach (The Argus, August 12) I regret it is threatened by Explore Living’s proposal to erect an 11-storey block of flats on top of the Marina wall.

These flats would look straight down the beach, destroying everyone’s privacy and views.

The flats would also overlook and have a huge impact on the unique Grade I conservation area which extends down to the sea and groyne, opposite Arundel Road.

The developer’s TP application was refused but it is now appealing, so beach lovers and conservationists need to unite (a jolly thought) and send their objections as soon as possible to The Planning Inspector, Sian Evans, Room 312A, 2 The Square, Bristol, BS1 6PN, ref APP/Q1443/A/og.2102048/NWF.

David Morris Lewes Crescent, Brighton