TV magician Derren Brown’s correct prediction of last week’s lottery numbers left many viewers dumbstruck.

But one Worthing man claims he has found the secret behind the illusionist’s trick.

Millions watched as the magician guessed the numbers of all six balls of last week’s midweek draw.

But animator Cyriak Harris has put the stunt down as simple piece of camera trickery.

After posting his thoughts of the cover-up on YouTube, he has so far received a five star rating from more than 350,000 viewers.

The animator said it was his professional eye that spotted a clue to Derren’s trick.

Cyriak, 34, of Marine Parade, said: “I didn’t think anyone would make that big a deal out of what is essentially an illusion.

“I’m not a fan myself but when I saw all the fuss that went with it I thought I’d have a closer look.

“In the show there was a long screen pan away from the action and then when it returned Derren revealed all the correct numbers.

“All magicians are the same - they always do things the simplest way possible.

“If that’s the case then using a split-screen is one of the ways to do it.”

Derren's live show, screened last Wednesday, had a TV on one side of the screen, where he stood watching the draw; on the other side a tray held balls with numbers facing away from viewers.

But Cyriak, who made the 30-second internet clip in about 30 minutes, shows how the magician could have used a split-screen to hide an assistant.

The camcorder expert explains how while the broadcast was going out live, the accomplice could have written the correct numbers down.

Cyriak said he was urged to make the video after watching the explanation show last Friday.

He said: “He seems to have disappointed a lot of people.

“I didn’t even run my method past my friends; I just made the video and thought what people on the internet thought about it “When Friday came everyone was expecting this big reveal but Derren said it was down to averaging out 24 different peoples’ guesses.

“Even people with basic maths knowledge know this is not a feasible theory.

“It will be interesting to know the real truth when Derren eventually gets round to telling us.”