Ken Strudwick and his team (Letters, November 19) clearly haven’t done their homework.

With inflation so low, the next round of council tax increases up and down the land by all administrations, not just those of Conservatives as he suggests, will be among the smallest of recent years.

Local taxes will raise this year some £11 billion more than they did 12 years ago, the reason being the additional spending burdens placed by central government on councils in order to avoid putting up income tax.

And Brighton and Hove City Council should get by very nicely on the proposed 2.5% increase in council tax, without cutting back on any essential services, by cutting local profligacy that has been all too rampant over the past 15 years under the control of both Labour and the Conservatives.

But what if they don’t? I can’t for the life of me see why somebody living in Lancing like Mr Strudwick, paying his taxes to Adur council, is getting so uptight about what Brighton and Hove City Council are up to.

Dave Bonwick
Oakdene Close, Portslade