A cathedral with “colossal issues” requires £10 million investment in its repair programme to remain open.

English Heritage announced the 900-year-old Chichester Cathedral requires the money to maintain its stonework in the next decade.

It is the fourth largest amount needed in the country after similar projects in Canterbury (£16m), Lincoln (£13m) and Salisbury (£15m).

The news emerged with the announcement of the English Heritage Cathedrals Fabric Condition Survey 2009 yesterday.

The survey revealed thousand of pounds had already been raised on bringing cathedrals in Sussex up to standard.

In the past 18 years £129,000 has been awarded to Arundel Roman Catholic cathedral and £472,350 to the building in Chichester.

The funding, part of a £250m national investment, was provided by English Heritage with the support of the Wolfson Foundation.

Dr Andrew Brown, of English Heritage, said: “When we carried out our first national fabric survey in 1991 it revealed that many cathedrals were in a dire state.

“Today they are in much better condition although it’s clear that much remains to be done to ensure they don’t slip into decline.

“Great churches are national treasures, but with a maintenance bill to match. So although we can afford to be far more positive about the outlook, we also need to be vigilant.”