Caroline Lucas, Green Party parliamentary candidate for Brighton Pavilion, calls for renationalisation of the rail network (Letters, November 26).

Why leave it with just the rail network, Caroline?

Privatisation has generally been a disaster with the public being ripped off and staff being insecure in their jobs. I would suggest most of us would agree that privatisation has been something we have come to regret.

Let’s renationalise everything governments have privatised and get the lot back into public ownership. If it is feasible, let there be no payment or compensation to the current owners. They have had enough from us already. Get it all back, perhaps including a few additions, and hopefully the public will benefit and the employees will enjoy a good job and conditions for life.

No public services should be in private hands. They are there to serve us.

They are not there to line the pockets of a few.

Ken Strudwick
Hayley Road, Lancing