I refer to the contribution headed “Cycling Rules” by Mrs W R Charlton (Letters, December 10) and would like her to tell me where these wonderful cycle lanes are.

Apart from the cycle lane along the seafront, which cyclists have to share with pedestrians, there are no other cycle lanes leading anywhere.

Where there is a cycle lane, such as the one in Dyke Road, cars are parked along it, making it dangerous to use.

Rubbish ends up in the gutter, which has the effect of narrowing the cycle lane.

There is, of course, the cycle lane in Saltdean, which is not even as long as a bicycle.

I suggest Mrs Charlton makes a New Year’s resolution to get on a bike and find these elusive lanes that she is so keen for cyclists to enjoy and then tell the rest of us where they are.

Mrs E Cole, Northease Gardens, Hove