Women drivers are being warned to be on their guard after a dangerous man tried to strangle a lone driver last night.

Update, March 25, 2010: Police have now established the allegation was false and the woman has been detained under the Mental Health Act.

Sussex Police said a man forced a woman to drive her car to a secluded lane in Rottingdean and then tried to strangle her before escaping across fields.

Officers described the man as dangerous and the attack as extremely violent.

A spokeswoman said: "The victim had dropped off a friend near the Saltdean Foodstore in Lustrells Vale and was waiting with her engine running when the man jumped into the car and told her to drive off.

"She says that his attitude was like someone trying to make a getaway. She drove to Whiteway Lane, a single lane dirt track road, where she tried to run.

"The man grabbed her and tried to strangle her, before she escaped and ran to a house in Dean Court Road, Rottingdean, where she called police."

The man, who may have run off in the direction of Grand Crescent or Dean Court, is described as white, in his 30s, wearing a black jacket, gloves and a distinctive black hat, which the victim described as like a swimming hat.

Detective Inspector Lee Horner said: "It is extremely important that drivers, particularly women who are out driving late at night on their own, are vigilant.

"Always keep your car doors locked and your windows up at all times, as this will provide an immediate deterrent.

“Incidents like this are rare. This woman was clearly very frightened to be confronted by this man who was extremely violent.

"He is clearly dangerous and we urgently need to trace him.”

Anyone who saw a man fitting the description in Lustrells Vale between 8pm and 9pm, or in the area after the attack, is asked to call Sussex Police on 0845 6070999 quoting Operation Farland or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555111.