This is an extract from a West Sussex County Council Planning letter received last Friday. I am so tempted to send it to the Plain English Campaign.

This is the council's way of saying "We've had to make a new plan because our original one was crap" (sorry, "seriously flawed").

West Sussex Structure Plan 2001-2016: Notice of Intention to Adopt (Our reference: SPlan/DZ3. 4 August 2004. 01243 756602. Donna Zaouia for Head of Planning Services)

"On 23 July 2004, the County Council resolved to adopt the West Sussex Structure Plan 2001-2016 incorporating the Proposed Modifications, Further Proposed Modifications and other changes...County Council approved Proposed Modifications to the Plan on 28 November 2003. Further Proposed modifications were approved on 23 July 2004 following consideration of the representations received on the Proposed Modifications and the County Council's response to the recommendations of the EiP Panel. Changes to the supporting text have also been made, for example, to reflect the Proposed Modifications, the Further Proposed Modifications, to clarify or update the Plan, or to correct errors."

Such wisdom - bless them - all at taxpayers' expense.

-Richard Symonds, Crawley