I agree with Dorothy Blayblock (Letters, June 30) that Councillor Jayne Bennett deserves to be congratulated on her refusal to accept the grotesque above-inflation increase in Brighton and Hove councillors' expenses.

However, I totally disagree with her advice to Councillor Bennett to move out of Brighton and presumably resign from the council.

The city desperately needs people like her, who are prepared to stand and fight for what they believe to be right and who will put the welfare of their constituents first.

We already have too many self-serving councillors who slavishly follow the party line and are not prepared to stand up and be counted on matters of principle.

The best soldiers do not leave the battlefield (Brighton and Hove) when the going gets tough or throw up their arms in despair. They have to fight on or there will be no eventual victory.

This sort of spirit will be essential if our country is to avoid being consumed in the clutches of a European super state.

Alan Nunn

-Pipers Close, Hove