The final date for submissions to the Falmer Inquiry has been put back again.

The inquiry appeared all but wrapped up months ago, with planning inspector John Collyer sending his views to Deputy Prime Minister John Prescott.

Since then another inspector, Charles Hoile, running a broader parallel inquiry into Brighton and Hove's blueprint for development, said the site earmarked for the 23,000-seat arena was unsuitable.

In early February, Mr Hoile said the field near the University of Brighton campus should not be set aside for a stadium in the city's local plan.

This stirred up a hornets' nest among supporters, who have organised a series of stunts, such as deluging Mr Prescott with flowers, to draw attention to the campaign.

It also provoked an angry letter from the club to the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister (ODPM) condemning Mr Hoile's remarks.

The ODPM reopened the planning process to those who spoke in the original hearing, giving them the opportunity to comment on Mr Hoile's report.

These comments were circulated and final comments had to be submitted by tomorrow. However, there is now one final extension.

A spokesman for the ODPM said: "We have received a request for an extension of time in which parties may submit comments. Having considered this request, we now invite all comments by Friday, June 18.

"This reference-back exercise provides the opportunity for each of the parties to submit comments to the Secretary of State, should they so wish."

The spokesman said there was no truth in national newspaper reports that Mr Prescott's decision would be held off until the outcome of the long-running South Downs national park inquiry.

This inquiry, with an even broader remit, is not due to conclude until September and a final decision is not expected until next year.

The ODPM spokesman insisted the two inquiries were completely separate.

He said: "Our decision will be made on the merits of the case and hopefully a decision will be made as soon as possible."

Club sources are unhappy about other inaccuracies in the report and are writing to the newspaper to complain.

The article said the proposed stadium site fell within the proposed South Downs boundary, whereas only part of the planned coach park did.

There were also suggestions, refuted by the club, that a hotel, driving range or cinema could also feature on the site to balance the books.

An Albion source said: "It is nothing short of scaremongering."

Paul Samrah, chairman of the supporters' Falmer For All initiative, said he thought it would not be long before John Prescott delivered his verdict.

He said: "I think we will know by the end of July. That's my gut feeling.

"I can't see Labour coming to Brighton for the party conference without a decision and they all take August off as holiday."