I'm an unashamed fan of the "Tesco-isation" of Hove and believe that, overall, local people have benefited from having access to a modern supermarket chain rather than having to rely on a sad, little Co-op that was seemingly locked in a timewarp.

The staff at Tesco also seem at least as friendly and helpful as those found in corner shops who always like to claim they offer the personal touch but, in reality, are often conspicuously lacking in customer-friendly skills.

My only real complaint about Tesco is a company policy - apparently vigorously monitored and strictly enforced - which demands of every checkout assistant that they ask customers if they need any help putting their shopping into a carrier bag. I'm told this question must be asked even if you have only bought two items.

No doubt Tesco will claim that in its own way, this is just another reflection of its slogan: "Every Little Helps". I see it rather differently: Are they completely off their trolley?

-Peter Lilley, Hove