Residents in some areas of Brighton and Hove have complained their refuse has been not been collected for three weeks at a time.

Refuse managers changed some of the rounds last month to divide the work more equally among staff but some crews have said the new workload is too much.

Management says the rounds are possible to clear.

The GMB union is holding a mass meeting tomorrow night to discuss the next stage of a ballot for industrial action.

Workers at the Hollingdean depot in Brighton were handed a notice yesterday by union representatives telling them to attend.

The meeting has been called by union representative Mark Turner and his colleague Charles Harrity.

Mr Turner told The Argus last week he had sought a meeting with management about the workload on some of the new rounds.

Cityclean's management has taken a tougher line with staff than private contractors did in the past.

When workers walked out in February, the council refused to pay them for the days they failed to turn up.

Crews were also told they would only receive their £230 bank holiday bonus payments if they cleared their rounds and worked a full day on Saturdays following bank holidays.

Gaps left in the service by crews who did not work Saturdays have been filled by agency staff.

Despite the reining in of the workforce, refuse has remained uncollected.

Last Friday, frustrated residents in Hanover, Brighton, piled rubbish bags into a 5ft mountain, blocking a road. The council immediately sent out a lorry to clear it.

A crew was suspended on Monday as management continued to take their tough line.