Aquarium Colonnade Toilets, Madeira Drive, Monday-Saturday May 3-8

The first thing to intrigue about this is that it's staged in a public toilet.

Not a place where most would ordinarily want to spend an evening, this show has won awards and drawn large crowds all over the place.

Not that the production company Semper Fi is giving much away - except that the play is based on true stories from 1957 Dublin. A theatre producer is jailed for allowing a condom to be shown on stage and a politician hangs himself after compromising pictures are published by the Press.

Ladies And Gents offers a peek at the underbelly of a nation - expect fumblings in alleyways, secret rendezvous and perverse pleasures.

Sponsored by In the Bag: bn3 Lifestyle, The Personal Concierge Company; Bonett's Estate Agents, Early Years Childcare Plc; FSPM; Gaskells Independent Mortgage Advisers Limited
Monday May 3 to Saturday May 8. Starts 8.30pm, 9.30pm and 10.30pm, tickets £10. Call 01273 709709.