The Brighton and Hove Primary Care Trust (PCT) response to concerns about the privatisation of orthopaedic operations and their removal to Haywards Heath is complete tosh.

There has been no consultation with the public about moving services.

Indeed, PCTs have been advised by the Government that public consultation it is "not normally required" in this privatisation process.

Most councillors have not agreed it will be a huge improvement to patient services because most councillors have not been consulted.

Those who were told about the plans at the eleventh hour voiced serious doubts about the proposals.

Councillors from all parties were angered by the lack of any meaningful consultation.

Labour councillors and myself were also concerned about this privatisation by stealth.

Another major concern is the issue of public transport connections to the hospital. Many older people will be among the patients who will have to make the journey to Haywards Heath and many of them do not have cars or no longer drive.

It was quite clear that the PCT has given little thought to this issue and many others in its indecent haste to do the Government's bidding.

Nye Bevan must be rolling in his grave.

Green councillor for

-Hanover and Elm Grove