Well done, K. Taylor from Southwick (Letters, March 11). The statement "people who support the stadium are bigoted and selfish" was so cutting.

How are all the windows in your glass house by the way?

Obviously, there is nothing bigoted about claiming football fans are "nasty"? That's right, folks, all of them. No matter what walk of life, be it MP, TV presenter, pop star, person in the street, man or woman, young or old. I mean, you just have to look at Delia Smith at Norwich, I've never seen such a nasty piece of work.

My point is this. I support the stadium. All the other letters in support that have appeared in The Argus are well written and full of the facts and arguments for it.

But if you look at the majority of the letters against, they are full of name calling - "nasty fans, scum, yobs, hooligans, louts, drunks..." - the list goes on and we're supposedly the bigots.

You are right on one thing though, K. Taylor, Waterhall isn't the right place for a stadium. Falmer is.

-Grant Phillips, Brighton