I applaud the refuse collectors of Brighton and Hove because, despite a demoralisingly low rate of pay for working in a city with very high living costs, they do a good job of removing my household's rubbish.

I applaud them because their collective conscience means that, when they saw one of their fellow workers being unfairly treated, they took selfless action in that worker's defence.

I hope all low paid workers have the same support from their colleagues when they need it.

My rubbish isn't continuing to pile up uncollected but rubbish is piling up all the time in this city. It's a continual process that would be greatly improved if residents took recycling more seriously.

I see households smaller than mine put out double the rubbish my family accumulates because they are too lazy to sort their recyclables and walk a quarter of a mile to the nearest recycling bank.

More action on this front would make savings on our city's refuse bill and greatly help the planet at the same time.

-Jane Erin, Hove