I agree with Kemptown MP Des Turner that the North should not be subsidised by the South (The Argus, February 12).

I have worked hard and saved all my working life to get what I have today. My wife and family have done the same.

One reason I'm retiring at the age of 60 is because I'm fed up with supporting people who just live off the social services.

I'm certainly not saying that people living in the North live off of the social though. When visiting the North, I have found that the cost of living is cheaper and the towns have far better shopping malls.

I have worked with people who have earned a lot more than me but have not saved for the future.

With the taxes we in England pay, we should not have to rob the better off to pay for the poorer communities. There shouldn't be poor communities.

-RNG McCormack, Woodingdean