If Brighton and Hove City Council had taken a decision to punish and torment a large number of citizens going about their normal business for several months, it could hardly do better than produce another London Road/Preston Drove "improvement" scheme.

As if the scheme was not trouble enough, we have been continually plagued with incorrect traffic signs.

Now, coming from the north, we are informed at Harrington Road that there are two main lanes available but the near side is blocked.

What the sign should show is the near side lane is available to turn left only and the outer lane to turn right or go straight on.

The signs in all directions have been inadequate and misleading throughout, presumably because the construction company has got a few old signs it wishes to make use of.

But what about the council supervisors? How can they have turned a blind eye to this situation?

Coming down Preston Drove at the moment, most of the traffic is going straight across to South Road and some south down London Road.

The lights change to enable the traffic to move but for some perverse reason, the right-hand lane is allowed to go but the left hand lane is delayed for some considerable time, causing an unnecessary and annoying hold-up.

By the way, congratulations on the cycle lanes. Some days I see as many as three cycles.

-RF Winyard, Brighton