The Flying Babies have been jetting around the world to the delight of children, mums, dads and grandparents.

The 50-minute play was created by the Drak Theatre in the Czech Republic but it has been translated from Czech into the universal language of baby talk.

The company tells the story of three babies who are playing with a balloon in their pram. Unfortunately, they let go of the string and the balloon floats away.

The rest of the action concerns the infants' attempts to retrieve their plaything.

More ingenious than Wile E Coyote and almost as indestructible, the fledgling tots take to the air with a pair of wings made out of a nappy, turn their pram into a biplane propelled by a fan and finally conquer the moon.

Dramatically, the play is brought to life with clever use of puppetry, a deceptively simple set, some nifty lighting and a few props. The cast are spot on in blending comedy with pathos.

From a parent's perspective, the antics of the Flying Babies are charming but the true measure of this show's success is that the enthusiastic cast do not only hold the young audience's attention, they had children as young as three laughing along and joining in the fun.

By aiming high, the Flying Babies find exactly the right level.

For tickets, call 01273 647100.