So, Brighton and Hove City Council considers the parking fines appeals system to be working well for Meals on Wheels volunteers (The Argus, December 3).

That system usually starts with on-the-spot discussions with traffic wardens totally oblivious to the existence of MOW, followed by up to a year of formal appeals and wrongly issued demands and court orders, while our volunteers soldier on with dignity.

Then, low and behold, the whole thing just fizzles out by computer generated withdrawal of PCN, with not one whiff of apology until the next traffic warden comes along and off we go again.

The council clearly thinks the end justifies the means but that is no reason to make the means this damaging and convoluted.

Traffic wardens like soft targets. Clamping down on white vans and scaffolding trucks which really stop traffic flowing is not worth the hassle when there are charity volunteer drivers to pick on.

These drivers sometimes park on double yellow lines in quiet residential areas for five minutes, while feeding vulnerable people hot food in the middle of winter.

-Brian Merritt, district food organiser, WRVS Meals on Wheels, Brighton