Most workers no longer trust their employer or the Government to provide them with an adequate pension when they retire, research showed today.

Only 40 per cent of people thought they would be able to enjoy a comfortable retirement on just their state and company pension, according to insurance broker Aon Consulting.

But despite this, only 20 per cent are saving to supple-ment their pension income.

Among those who are making plans, 33 per cent will fall back on other investments, 21 per cent hope to continue working part-time and 14 per cent will rely on their spouse's pension.

One in ten people said they planned to sell a property to supplement their income, while four per cent are hoping to receive an inheritance.

At a time when many companies face large pension deficits and are closing their final salary schemes, people also don't trust their firm to give them the information they need to plan for retirement.

Only 19 per cent of people thought they could rely on what their company said about its pension when it came to planning for the future, while two per cent thought they could trust the Government.

Friday November 14, 2003