Following recent articles involving both Hove Action for Peace and Sussex Action for Peace I thought I would find out more and I am now somewhat confused.

Firstly, on their web site they claim to support non-violent protests. However, you only have to look further down the page and you come across an invitation to a course on direct action.

Direct action is, in the majority of cases, violent and in no way peaceful. Perhaps both groups would like to explain whether they support democratic protests or those that are widely considered illegal?

Secondly, the two groups claim to have no political affiliation. However, letters published in The Argus have been signed openly by Green Party councillors.

I would be interested to know why, if they have no party affiliation, these people feel the need to publish the name of their party along with their letter.

As these groups are in no way accountable, I guess we will never really know the truth. But, hey, that's the hard left for you.

-Nigel Page, Portslade