The sun may still be shining but as the days get colder - and wetter - taking the bike out for a ride will be less and less appealing.

Whether you're a summer cyclist looking for a winter workout or simply someone who needs a little push when it comes to keeping fit, I just might have the answer.

Aerobike is a 45-minute, instructor-lead bike ride which includes sprints, hill climbs and rest periods.

You don't actually go anywhere but instead cycle on a stationary bike to upbeat music, guided by an instructor to increase and decrease resistance as you tackle a variety of "terrain". And the best bit? You are inside in the warm.

With no scenery to distract you and an instructor to make sure there's no slacking, you'll get a really good workout.

As the intensity of the ride increases, so does your heart-rate. You'll burn fat and tone up those thighs.

The aerobike classes at Coral Sports and Leisure Club in Hove have been running for several years and are very popular.

Charlie, who ran the class I attended, is just one of several aerobike instructors and believes the class is a great way to get fit and firm up.

As we cycled along to upbeat, cheesy Eighties music (personally, I love Wham), Charlie encouraged us to smile and really go for it.

There was a surprising variety of "moves", with each track demanding a different combination of seated sprinting and raised-bottom and standing hill-climbing - work those glutes!

Push-ups were also incorporated, using the handlebars. These worked the upper body and tightened the abdominals in the process.

Charlie motivated us all the way, letting us know exactly how long was left of each track before we could rest and take a drink - but we had to keep those legs moving.

I really enjoyed the session but found the bike a bit uncomfortable - it might be worth investing in some proper cycling shorts . . . and G-strings are definitely a bad idea.

As a low-impact sport, aerobike is easy on the joints and good for those new to exercise as you can adjust the resistance accordingly and take it easy for your first few classes.

At the end of the session I attended, everyone was sweating profusely. Do this class three times a week and I guarantee you will get fit.

Coral Sports and Leisure Club, Orchard Road, Hove runs aerobike classes most mornings and evenings, with a beginners' 30-minute class on Mondays at 6.30pm.

Call 01273 731262 for details. You don't need to be a member and drop-in classes cost £3.50.