Those Tories hailing Michael Howard as the saviour of the Conservative Party are clearly mistaken in thinking we share their nostalgia for the days of the Major government.

People have not forgotten Mr Howard was involved in creating the poll tax and the anti-gay Section 28 and was part of the government that wrecked the economy, privatised the railways and failed to invest in schools and the NHS.

As Home Secretary, his decisions were ruled unlawful by the High Court on several occasions and he was deeply unpopular with the police.

As part of the IDS-led Tory front bench, he has consistently put tax cuts before public services and helped draw up policies that would take millions of pounds out of state schools and the NHS, giving it to people to spend in the private sector.

Once again, the Tories have chosen someone who shares their narrow prejudices rather than appealing to a broader electorate.

-Gavin Kennedy, Hove