I had to catch a 22 bus from Oxford Street and sat in one of the seats for the elderly or disabled.

You wouldn't think there was anything wrong with me. I'm in my early 40s and look physically capable but a disgruntled elderly lady said: "You're not a pensioner or disabled are you?"

How right she was about the pensioner bit but I am not fit and able.

I am one of the many people who suffers from a form of arthritis.

I'm able to work and lead a normal life with the help of prescribed medication but public transport is another matter.

When your joints are screaming out in pain, being thrown about on a bus is like being tortured.

I'm not a burden on society and don't want special privileges, I just want to get on a bus and sit in one of these seats without being made to feel guilty about it.

-Mrs Heather Dyke, Brighton