The audience here were very, very young. Some so much so they even had to bring along a parent as an escort.

Not that this lot didn't like to rock. Swarming en-masse to the stage when Cooper Temple Clause struck their first chord, they moshed good - and with sound reason.

Looking like proper rock stars with messed up hairdos and plenty of dark clothes, it helped that CTC came up with the goods to match the looks.

Conjuring up a positive furore of driven guitar, brooding angst, jack-hammer chords and towering melodies, this was strangely David-Lynchian stuff - apart from the moments where singer Ben Gautrey went all Liam Gallagheresque which, frankly, didn't do their darkness justice.

In direct contrast, Hundred Reasons were not dark at all. Perhaps best described as frat rock, Colin Doran whipped the crowd into a full clapping-along state with clapping-along commands and plenty of whoops.

A kind of misshapen Busted, it's easy to see why they're popular, because they are good. They're just not very interesting. But then, no one ever said that rock 'n' roll had to be.