The irritation displayed by Mr Caplin is understandable.

At the next general election, he is probably going to lose his Hove seat for no other reason than his support for the invasion of Iraq.

He does not help his own position by being disingenuous about the new United Nations resolution 1511.

This passed unanimously because other countries have decided they have to make the best of the bad situation created by American and British military adventurism.

They are hoping that New Labour's favourite politician, George W Bush, will lose next year's presidential elections but, in the meantime, they hope the resolution will reign in America's rogue regime.

As everyone knows, no pressing British interests obliged New Labour to enroll itself under Mr Bush's banner as a party of God and War.

Likewise, human rights were not and never have been the driving force of American policy - one has only to recall the many years Saddam enjoyed American support.

Human rights concerns should have led our Government to seek other ways to change Iraq, just as we are now doing with Iran - and in conjunction with France and Germany.

-Trevor Pateman, Hove