So there are more police on the streets than ever before. Well, which streets are we talking about?

Certainly not mine and I'll wager not yours either.

Maybe the M25 and M23 count as streets because they are the only places I've noticed an increase in police - sitting waiting to catch unsuspecting motorists doing five miles per hour over the limit.

Our police are becoming tax collectors for the Government.

Their priority should be public protection. How many people feel safe walking the streets of Brighton and Hove alone at night?

If you do get mugged, how confident are you in this age of CCTV surveillance that your mugger will be caught and brought to justice?

There is an age-old myth that the British police are the best in the world.

That myth has been exploded over the past 25 years as society descends into lawlessness.

Forensic science has been used as a replacement for hands-on policing.

Our coppers have got lazy, sat behind their desks and looking at number plates on film from speed cameras.

A box on a stick is no replacement for a bobby on the beat.

-Paul Hubbard, Whitehawk, Brighton