I felt lucky to have been afforded a sought-after seat to see Scotland's latest heartthrob as I squeezed into Danny Bhoy's sell-out show.

The auditorium was packed with an eager and friendly crowd that Bhoy responded to gladly.

Undeniably cute, Bhoy was warm and engaging. No need to worry about getting to the toilet and back in case of merciless ribbing - Danny Bhoy felt like a friend.

The guy down the pub who can entertain you for hours with ridiculous stories that come out of nowhere and just keep on going until you can't remember how it all started.

Bhoy has just returned from US and Australian dates and his travelling tales went down a storm.

Crowd-pleasing mockery of Germans and Americans warmed up the audience for bizarre but hilarious stories of "McCondoms" and ending up half-naked with a kangaroo in front of a bus full of Australian wine tourists - don't ask - were at the heart of the show.

Bhoy was full of energy and brought his characters and anecdotes to life with a very physical performance.

His cheeky wit and comic meanderings were perfectly executed with just the right mix of sarcasm and silliness.

The audience loved him and so did I.

Miriam Wells, features@theargus.co.uk