Dr Mike Cole doesn't like the truth when he hears it.

People like him are forever telling those of us who are proud of our history, culture and country and who dare to speak out about asylum and immigration that we are all racist, little Englanders or followers of the far right.

It's all too easy these days for someone like Dr Cole and other paid up members of the race relations industry to denigrate someone as being racist while hiding behind ever-increasing draconian race laws.

Reports such as Macpherson's have been shown to be flawed.

They make wonderful headlines and give the politically correct brigade something else to beat this country with.

But the reality after the headlines never lives up to expectations.

I wonder if Dr Cole has had the misfortune to live in any London suburbs recently.

If he has, he is going around blindfolded.

If he hasn't, I suggest he goes and spends some time there. He'll then see the reality of the multi-racial utopia he wants us all to sign up to.

-DA Coles, Peacehaven