My bank had my phone cut off just because I was a few quid overdrawn.

I am an old man and in poor health and I may, for example, need to call an ambulance.

I've had banking facilities for more than 60 years but nothing like this has ever happened before.

I expect a measure of respect, understanding, consideration and compassion.

The bank's behaviour is identical to that of a taxi driver I called recently.

I gave him the exact address I required but he took me on a trip all round Brighton and I finally had to direct him precisely how to get there.

When he asked for the fare it was £10. I told him to call the police if he wanted such an exorbitant rate. He said all right then, a fiver. I paid him fully as I wanted to be rid of the situation.

My conclusion is it's a bit of a rip-off here so I'm going to leave for the French Riviera.

It has a beautiful sea, fresh air, sunshine and you get treated with respect, whatever your circumstances.

Toujours in veritas. Au revior Brighton.

-Phillip Lebon, Brighton