I have become thoroughly disgusted by the undemocratic methods of Mr Blair and his duplicitous Government.

His modus operandi, supported by sycophants like Jack Straw, is nothing less than obscene.

It is not only the tragic death of Dr Kelly which is at issue, although that is obviously overshadowing everything else.

It is obvious now that Andrew Gilligan's story was essentially true, if somewhat rough around the edges.

The dossier was indisputably strengthened (ie "sexed up") as a direct result of Number Ten's involvement.

It is obvious now there aren't any WMD and nor were there any at the time of the dossier's compilation.

This country invaded foreign territory on a promise to Bush and as a result of very poor intelligence.

It is obvious now that Geoff Hoon - likely to become the ultimate fall guy - lied to the Hutton Inquiry and others and that Alastair Campbell's "fury" was contrived - the final act of a bully-boy that went awfully wrong.

The Prime Minister said, during his careless (sic) and indignant evidence to Lord Hutton that the buck stops with him.

It is time for the public to remind him of this statement and demand the restoration of democratic government.

If this requires Tony Blair to stand down, so be it.

-Neil Coppendale, Shoreham