A fox has set up home under Worthing Pier and has been shocking sunbathers as he lounges on the shingle.

Urban sprawl has seen foxes moving out of the countryside and into towns and cities for years.

But Pierre the fox is probably the first of his species to settle in Worthing's main seaside attraction.

Billy Elliott, of Worthing and District Animal Rescue Service, said Pierre had been feasting on remains left by fishermen and resting deep within the cavity under the pier, directly beneath the Pavilion Theatre.

He said: "People were worried something was wrong with him but it is quite normal for foxes to lie in the sun.

"I've been down to check on him a couple of times and he's not sick, but he has got a bit of mange. I'll be treating it by putting stuff in his food."

Mr Elliott said Pierre would move away if his food source ran out but to intentionally relocate him could put him at risk from other foxes defending their territory.

Karen Craib, marketing officer for Worthing Theatres, works in the Pavilion. She was amazed to see Pierre wandering about the beach one morning.

She said: "I went outside and there he was, just sat there sunbathing. I looked at him, he looked at me and it was so strange because you don't normally see foxes in the day and I've never seen one on the beach before.

"It's actually a perfect place for a fox to be living - it's nice and cosy and there are lots of pickings after the tourists have gone."