A comedian who caused a furore by jumping into an aquarium shark tank has been targeted in a revenge attack by a flying mackerel.

Staff at Brighton Sea Life Centre thought Guy Venables' naked stunt in March frightened a shark to death.

He was later cleared of harming the creature but shark expert Willy Brown decided the story was still fishy.

So when Guy took the stage at the city's Komedia venue on Tuesday, Willy hurled the smelly mackerel right at him.

Willy, a 30-year-old singer from Brighton, revealed: "I just wanted to cause a bit of haddock in the show.

"I'm a bit of a shark expert and part of me was a bit affronted by what he did so I thought it would be funny.

"I was standing by the edge of the stage and he was having an awkward moment and losing it a bit. I only just missed him but it totally threw him."

Guy said: "It missed me by inches. I didn't realise what had happened at first but the audience was roaring with laughter.

"He must have had it with him all night. It was good humoured and everyone thought it was funny. If the fish was fresh I would have eaten it but it really smelled."

Willy, who performs himself at the Whistlestop Inn, Portslade, on September 7, said the incident should at least give Guy some material for his next show.