Who among you would say no to David Panter's salary? I think he's setting a very good example for the rest of us who earn less than £4 per hour.

From now on, every time my boss asks me why I keep getting things wrong even though I've had years to learn how to get them right, I'll tell him I'm following Mr Panter's lead and if he has any problems with me, he should address them to David himself.

If David is too busy, I'm sure Ken Bodfish could baffle my boss with his maths skills.

In return for allowing Mr Panter to be so "excellent", I hereby demand a council tax decrease of four times what I am currently paying.

I'll collect the cheque in person if necessary.

Remember, David, I'm standing shoulder to shoulder with you on this one, friend.

PS: What exactly do you do, David? Just in case somebody asks me.

-D de la Hoyde, Brighton