A heroin addict who threw a chair at a policeman's head has been jailed for nine months.

Unemployed Alex Gilbertson, 26, was yesterday sentenced for 15 offences, including assaulting a police officer and burglary.

Worthing Magistrates' Court heard how all the crimes were linked to his heroin problems and had taken place between last October and March this year.

Gilbertson, of Western Road, Littlehampton, assaulted a policeman who had seen him trying to break into a car on February 20 this year.

Claire Ellis, prosecuting, told the court that during the ensuing chase, the defendant threw a chair at the policeman's head causing him concussion.

Four days after the incident he was involved in a burglary at Abacus antiques shop in Norfolk Road, Littlehampton.

Miss Ellis said: "Shortly after 12.30am witnesses heard loud bangs and then breaking glass.

"They saw him starting to fill a dark bag. He and another man set off down Western Road but they were followed by CCTV and police arrested them."

She said at other times Gilbertson stole items from shops to sell on to feed his drug habit.

Suzanne Dodd, defending, said: "These offences have been committed as a direct result of his heroin use.

"He has struggled to deal with it but he wants to show he can make significant process."

Gilbertson had earlier been found guilty after a trial of burglary and assaulting a police officer. He had admitted the 13 other offences.

Gilbertson was sentenced to a total of nine months and three weeks in prison.