Brighton and Hove MP David Lepper refuses to oppose Government plans to change the law to force water fluoridation on the entire UK population.

In a letter to Deputy Prime Minister John Prescott, health minister Hazel Blears and environment minister Eliot Morley stated: "Those who remain adamantly opposed would be able to use water filters that remove fluoride or buy bottled drinking water."

papers show a list of serious adverse health effects from fluoridated water - cancers, arthritis, Alzheimers and lowered IQ in children included.

Under EU law, any substance sold to treat a medical condition - and we are told fluoride in water is to treat tooth decay in children - must be produced and administered under strict rules.

However, silicofluorides - the chemicals used in water fluoridation - are not licensed as pharmaceuticals. They are registered as Part 2 poisons under the Poisons Act 1972.

Far from being strictly administered, they would be used to medicate the entire population, which also violates the EU Human Rights charter which states "every man has to have a guarantee . . . that he has free choice of therapy".

It is the sole business of water companies to provide safe, potable water, not to medicate the population.

Presumably Ms Blears and Mr Morley will understand if I spend the money I would normally use for my water bills on bottled water or to contribute to the £450 needed to buy specialised fluorideremoval equipment.

By the way, Mr Lepper, since you have decided my rights are worth nothing, I will not be voting for you at the next General Election.

-Graham Parfitt, Brighton