Many people cannot afford to live in Brighton and Hove because house prices are so high.

That's why the city council has proposed a radical new policy in its Local Plan.

It would like developers to provide 40 per cent affordable housing in all developments of more than ten homes.

While some house-builders are prepared to abide by that, others are not.

Each time they appeal they win because the Local Plan has not yet been approved.

Planning inspectors correctly say that the 40 per cent figure is not in line with current Government guidelines.

It should be. Brighton and Hove is hardly alone in having a horrendous and growing housing problem.

The Government needs to stipulate a high provision of affordable housing across the busy South-East.

While plans for new and bigger skyscrapers seem to be appearing every month, they will not solve the housing problem if no one who lives and works in the city can afford to buy them.