Former councillor Mike Middleton regards the electorate as fools, which is why he lost his seat.

He claims (The Argus, May 3) that his place on the ballot-form was a disadvantage.

This not only insults those who follow the issues and personalities (and the number of cross-party votes in all wards suggests that people are doing just that) but also, by former councillor Middleton's strange logic, Jenny Barnard-Langston, Don Brown and Michael Butler should have got in with no trouble.

I am not aware of ex-councillor Middleton's lamenting his place in the alphabet at previous elections and, indeed, those who topped the poll in Preston Park - Richard Mallender and Juliet McCaffrey - must have been raising a glass to the letter M.

There are many who fervently hope an act of deed-poll does not lumber us with a future candidate named Mike Aardvark.

-Christopher (H)awtree, Hove