Everyone expects candidates to knock the other parties during an election but Ronald Bakere really takes the biscuit (Letters, April 26) when he attacks Labour and the Tories.

This Lib Dem Goldsmid candidate is the most extreme opportunist I have come across in politics.

He turned up a couple of months ago at the local Labour Party offices and was very pushy about his desire to be a Labour candidate.

He had great difficulty in understanding that our candidates were selected a year ago by their local branches, who test applicants on their understanding of their local communities and issues.

To my amazement, Mr Bakere was billed as a Lib Dem candidate in one of their leaflets only ten days later.

Being a councillor is a position of responsibility. My advice to the Lib Dems is they need to look very closely at their selection procedures if someone as opportunist as Mr Bakere can work his way through them so quickly.

-Simon Burgess, Chairman, Brighton and Hove Labour Party, Brighton