Emmeline Pankhurst and the Suffragettes did not risk their lives so we could be apathetic.

Nor did many men do likewise to ensure a democracy.

Yes, we do live in a quasi-democracy because we have a free vote but how do whips fit into this scenario?

Hanover and Elm Grove prospective candidates - what is the matter with you?

I have only received material from the Labour Party and councillor Joyce Edmund-Smith did not get in touch with me as promised.

Before I put my X' on the ballot form, I like to know your policies to see if they match my own and if you are the sort of sympathetic person to whom I could turn if in need.

I left messages with the Liberal Democrats and Green parties to please contact me so I could find out about the above questions.

Only the Green Party responded. I have voted. I rest my case.

-Carole Irvine, Brighton