Rock band Toploader have split up after being dropped by record company Sony following poor sales of their album Magic Hotel.

The former Eastbourne-based, five-piece band announced its decision in a five-line statement on its web site.

It reads: "To all our friends. We have decided to call it a day with Toploader. We just wanted to thank you all for your support over the years.

"You have been the best fans and we will miss you all. Cheers, The Band."

Toploader, formed in 1997, found fame with hit single Dancing in the Moonlight from their first album, Onka's Big Moka.

They were nominated for four Brit awards, won Capital Radio's best band award in 2001 and sold more than one million records in the UK alone, with more than 1.5 million sales worldwide.

However, Magic Hotel, produced three years on from Onka's Big Moka, failed to secure them a repeat success and led to them being dropped.

Their performance at the Brighton Centre last November drew little praise from reviewers who noted the venue was quarter-full.

Guitarist Dan Hipgrave, married to presenter Gail Porter, is often seen in Eastbourne, where he grew up and attended Cavendish School. The couple now live in London with their first child Honey.