Brighton and Hove Albion seem hell-bent on Falmer for their new stadium despite many voices of opposition from many directions.

They have clearly pinpointed this site and have stated there is no realistic alternative.

For reasons known only to the Albion, Brighton and Hove City Council, finance houses, developers and planners, they have surely not looked in-depth to alternatives.

Yet at Waterhall, the most obvious site, there is clearly masses of scrubland doing nothing.

We heard this site was not considered because of protected green belt, water tables, an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and whatever but there are already established football and rugby pitches and changing rooms on an excavated plateau.

There are no immediate neighbours to object, apart from the windmill people, and there is instant access from all directions.

Furthermore, the construction of a railway halt would mean no need for football fans to even enter the city.

There is ample space for huge car parks, even multi-storey cut into the hills, which could also be used as a park-and-ride facility from both the A23 and A27.

All the old excuses about not developing north of the bypass must surely be scrapped in this one corner where the majority of the people of the city have never been and probably couldn't care less about.

On the other hand, the Falmer proposal would affect many people in the Lewes Road and universities, with traffic congestion and match-day crowds.

-Gordon McPhee, Bennett Road, Brighton