When the power goes off there is nothing much you can do about it - or is there?

Smart PC owners can now invest in a BlackoutBuster 400. This low-cost UPS (uninterruptable power supply) will keep your computer lights on when the electric company goes out for lunch.

I think the possibility of losing valuable work makes a convincing argument for installing a UPS.

BlackoutBuster400 can run for up to ten minutes, giving you plenty of time to save and close your PC.

This compact unit was designed specifically for home office workers, educational institutions, PCs and internet enthusiasts.

BlackoutBuster400 offers total protection against power fluctuations and power blackouts and provides comprehensive data protection.

The unit is plug-and-play and fully compatible with all the latest Microsoft Windows operating systems.

The BlackoutBuster system is fully compatible with Windows 9x/ME/XP and NT/2000 platforms.

Price: From £65; Rating: 8 out of 10; Contact: www.powerkinetics-emea.com