Finding the right image to illustrate a concept can be very frustrating but Hemera's Big Box Of Art should go a long way toward sorting things out.

This massive new collection of 615,000 vector clip art images, photo-objects, illustrations, photographs, web graphics, font textures, animations and textured photographs is suitable for just about anyone with a MS Windows-based application that will accept clip art.

Having tried other packages which insist on a web connection to access extra images I was delighted to discover that all the 615,000 images are held on the 27 Big Box of Art CDs contained in the box.

You can search by keyword, collection, image type or category.

Using the images is really easy - there are no difficult techniques to master so The Big Box Of Art is suitable for children and beginners.

Price: £59.95; Rating: 8 out of 10; Contact: 01256 707767