If Brighton and Hove City Council was to stay on top of the state of our streets, it wouldn't have to plan extensive cleaning programmes such as the one that has been outlined for the coming months.

Let us hope the council considers this before, another year down the line, it again lets things get to the state they are now.

Brighton and Hove's streets are a disgrace - from graffiti and chewing gum to the need for replacing broken pavement stones and installing more street name signs.

Then there is the fact that bylaws exist to ensure rubbish is not left out on the streets on non-collection days. But where is the enforcement?

The biggest problem seems to be the council is letting its contractors get away with doing poor jobs which are going unchecked.

It is not acceptable to paint over graffiti with white paint regardless of the colour of the surface underneath, just as it is not acceptable to replace the odd paving stone with asphalt or cement.

There are ways to do a job properly and there is the council's preferred method - doing it with the least effort possible.

-Simon Brunger, Chesham Place, Brighton