I keep asking myself "What has happened to common sense? Regrettably, there seems to be very little about.

Over 40 years in Brighton I have watched a deterioration in many fields, including clear thinking. No one seems to worry, switching off from the universe and going from A to Z without showing consideration to anyone else.

Although elderly, I show courtesy to all, whatever age, sex or nationality. In return, I am subjected to thoughtlessness and rudeness.

I have yet to see anyone removing a dangerous object, whereas I remove banana skins, tins, bottles and so on from pavements and anything in the gutter that could topple a cyclist.

Likewise, there is no common sense displayed by Brighton and Hove City Council. In all these years, I have never seen the city so full of people in February.

If there was ever a case for some regimentation to make walking a pleasure again, it is now.

In particular, the council has refused to paint "keep left" signs at pedestrian crossings. In spite of many complaints to environmental services, the pavements have not been cleared of chewing gum and spilled food and drinks. Western Road is a mess.

The police have abandoned responsibility for disturbance of the peace. I refer in particular to the number of shopkeepers who put large, powerful speakers on the pavement. Brighton and Hove is now a very noisy city.

The police refer people to environmental services also with regard to vehicles parked in the middle of streets. White Street seems to have vehicles parked permanently in the middle of the road, which is ridiculous.

These can be seen at any time of the day or night. Why is it allowed to continue?

Am I the only one who is asking "What has happened to common sense?"

-Clive Braithwaite, Beaconsfield Road, Brighton