I love complex gadgets and revel in the techno stuff that drops on my desk for review but rarely see anything I would actually buy.

The new USB MultiCharger from TeleAdapt is a notable exception and I have already ordered two as gifts.

It allows you to recharge your mobile phone from any USB (universal Serial Bus) port on any computer you happen to be near.

It does not interfere with the operation of the computer and allows the business traveller to recharge a failing battery from their laptop.

By connecting the various bits and pieces, they can recharge from almost any source they find.

As a regular laptop and mobile phone internet user, I gave this clever piece of equipment a thorough testing and could not find anything I would change.

It weighs next to nothing so I did not even mind putting it in a laptop bag pocket ready for the next emergency.

It is compatible with a host of mobile telephones from Nokia, Ericsson and Motorola and has dedicated adapters included to connect to these devices.

It is robust, attractive and easy to use but check your phone is compatible.

Rating: 10 out of 10. Price: £19.99. Contact: 020 8233 3000 or www.teleadapt.com