Voice of The Argus (February 15) rightly states that "almost every big building in Brighton and Hove has been an architectural disaster" but might have added that although they were welcomed with open arms by councillors, it was against the wishes and advice of many conservationists and residents.

The list omitted to mention the Aquarium Terraces development, perhaps the greatest blunder of them all.

Sadly, some of the members of the planning committee who voted for this monstrosity are still serving and will have the audacity to sit in judgement on the West Pier plans.

Would that they remember they have already damaged one important part of the seafront.

Councillor Ken Bodfish tells us buildings either side of the West Pier, blocking out the sea view, are necessary to cover any shortfall in income as there would not be enough room for them on the pier itself.

The pier is large, so what exactly is it proposed to put on it? What will be in the shore buildings?

We in his ward remember, despite intense opposition, we lost the elegant Aquarium Terraces and our sea view. In return, we were promised eight high-class restaurants but all we have is a burger bar and a double amusement arcade.

May Regency ward fare better.

We must continue to hope that any pier will be built before the shops. But this is Brighton and Hove, where the developer reigns supreme and we could so easily be left with unwanted buildings on the seafront and the West Pier just pie in the sky.

-Jean Penney, Camelford Street, Brighton