Sometimes life can be cruel and you don't get what you deserve - football is no different.

Defeats can sometimes be bitter pills and this week we have had to swallow a few. I know I might sound biased at times, but even the hardest of cynics would agree that we deserved at least three points from the last two encounters.

We went to Walsall with renewed vigour and an eagerness to play on their re-laid pitch. And even though we started badly we dominated the game for almost the whole 90 minutes.

Granted, we didn't create a lot in the first-half, but we had the lion's share of possession and were in control of the fixture.

In the second-half we pinned them back with relentless pressure, hard work and enterprising football which we must sustain to get out of the drop zone. And to come away from the Bescot with nothing is the biggest travesty I have ever been involved in. I have never overwhelmed a team so much for 45 minutes and got no reward.

It was one of those games which had to be seen to be believed. But we must put that behind us as it's points we need.

Then Tuesday came around and we were raring to go. But sadly this spectacle was spoilt entirely by inept refereeing which bordered on embarrassing.

Both teams - and credit to Wimbledon here - tried to play in the right manner and win a game of football. But the man in the middle was adamant on spoiling it. There were five goals, a penalty save and a sending off. So you could say it was an eventful game. But some of the decisions were shocking.

Five good goals were scored and although I'm not going to comment on the sending off I felt it was a farcical penalty and, after booking their right back who immediately committed another foul for which he should have been booked again, the referee inexplicably changed his mind. And that just put the cherry on a very poor cake.

Now I've only got 500 words so I'll say no more about the ref. But once again we have not got the rub of the green and it has cost us dearly. What I can say is that once again the fans in both games were excellent and, in respect of Tuesday's game, well behaved as it must have tried the patience of a saint.

The Brazilians remain on their unbeaten run after a 1-1 draw at Wycombe on Wednesday.

It was a hard-fought game with the boys being rewarded for their endeavours with a McDonald's on the way home.

Blunkett was the first off the bus to claim his Big Mac. He was so quick that one onlooker thought Alan Wells had made a comeback.

Well I've spent a couple of days in with Lou Carpenter (Mal) with Charlie for company and this has been eventful. Firstly, Louis was offered £10 to eat a snowball and he duly obliged. However, after two bites, he discovered it was no ordinary snowball but a mud-filled one with him taking a right mouthful. He still, however, demanded payment whilst picking gravel from his gnashers.

Also with us this week has been Phil Bartholomew, who is a third-year trainee. Looking closely at him, he has two very unusual features.

Firstly, a massive pair of bushy eyebrows and Will Packham's old recycled teeth so he has been christened Matt Hicks' lovechild and isn't happy about it.

Robbie Pethick came to the game the other night and attempted to dress smartly. He wore a shambolic ensemble he called a suit with a long woollen overcoat strangling him at the waist and smelling of Fabreeze.

Apparently, after the game, it was Eddie Yeats's theme night in his local.

And finally, Dodge was moaning last week after getting some stick in my column saying that I only pick on the same people. Well, tough luck Playdoh, go and cry to Flowery!

Saturday February 8